Those who have exercised their right to reside or work in accordance with Union law before the end of the transitional period and who continue to do so after that period, will have exactly the same rights as those who have exercised their right to reside or work in accordance with Union law.
Those who arrive after the end of the transitional period and who are not included in it, will be considered third country nationals and, without prejudice to the application of a special regime for future mobility, will be subject to the provisions of the general regime for foreigners.
United Kingdom nationals, their family members and any other persons residing in Spain, under the conditions set out in the Agreement, will not be required to apply for a new resident status, or be subject to a new documentation process, but will be entitled to receive a residence document, expressly stating their status, as a beneficiary of the withdrawal Agreement.
The deadline for submitting the application if are doing it for the FIRST TIME shall be three months from your arrival in Spain, or from the date of birth. If you are already in possession of it, you do NOT have the obligation to exchange.
If you already have the existing residencia You do NOT have the obligation to exchange for the TIE but it's highly recommended. It is also a requirement that if you are applying for a visa we request a TIE.