We will provide an extensive, personal service, covering all aspects surrounding purchasing a property in Spain, including your fiscal obligations.
What we do:
Legal searches to ensure that both the land and the property are free from debt and encumbrances
Check building licenses on new build properties
Check that all payments are covered by a bank guarantee and negotiate contract(s)
Arrange signing of contract(s) and control all payments
Prepare Title Deeds from completion
Assist at the Notary for completion
Payment of taxes (yearly fiscal representation)
Inscription of Deeds in the Land Register.
Obtain an NIE number, so that you are recognised in the Spanish Revenue system.
We can also arrange the set up of the utilities bills, in the case of purchasing a new build property or, in the case of a resale, they will arrange for the bills to be transferred into your name. Another important payment is that of the Community of Owners. We will ensure that the administrator is informed of the change in ownership and arrange for the transfer of invoices to the new name, we will also offer you the option to assign, to them, the Power of Attorney, in the event that you are unable to return to Spain to sign the title deeds.
This is a common practice and means that we haves the legal capacity to sign the title deeds, on your behalf, in front of the Notary. It is also advisable for you to have a Spanish Will. Although it is not obligatory, we would certainly recommend that you have one drawn up. It’s quick and inexpensive and will save a lot of problems further down the line.
Need anything else? Let’s have a coffee and we’ll see all the options!